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  • HannahHarris

What is the "real world" anyways?

Hannah E and i have recently graduated from Tarleton in December of 2019! With that being said, a lot of life updates need to be shared. I'm going to attempt to share as much as I can about my new career and the crazy happenings of the "real world"... also shout out to Caleb (Hannah E's fiance´) for taking my grad pics!

To kick off the life update, I accepted a job as an Event Coordinator at a country club. This was not necessarily the career path I had my sights set on, but a great start nevertheless. I have a passion for people and a hobby of party planning so its a great starting point to launch into the world as a young professional. I actually accepted this position and began working here 2 months before walking the stage (scary, i know). Not that it's a bad thing, but I didn't get to have any sort of break in my new post-grad life between college to being a full blown "actual adult". Being the youngest in a professional setting, in a non-entry-level position at that, is intimidating to say the least.

One of my biggest challenges is straight up just figuring out my role in the position and as a working young professional. I am constantly hearing "welcome to the real world" from people at the club i work at. I don't want to seem unexperienced, but thats exactly what I am...i'm new to all this. Honestly, other than a summer internship for 2 summers in college, being a part time day care worker, and working at chipotle for less than a month, I just haven't had any experience.

Now something that will most likely always stick with me from my time in college is a quote from my PR professor: "blessed are the flexible, for they will not get bent out of shape"

And let me tell you, I have had no other choice than to be flexible.

Merely 3 months in to my debut at work our General Manager was fired...a month later the clubhouse manager is leaving. To make this clear about the significance of those 2 situations, it means that my most immediate boss and the head boss are both gone before I have even been fully trained at my job. Overall the vibe in the work place has been on edge. Who is coming in to replace them? What restructures are taking place? Who truly has job security?

For those of you playing along at home, thats a lot of change in a short amount of time in a brand new job. Now to be clear, I love the position I'm in. The members I've become close to are absolutely some of the best people i have ever met. I'm not in a place where I too want out of this place, but there has been an uncomfortable amount of tension with the changes that come along with higher ups no longer being there.

I am obviously still navigating all this newness, and still very excited for what is in store for me here. I would like to highlight that I am thankful for the life lessons this place is teaching me and i am looking forward to my future.

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